Friday, July 11, 2014

MOLAR EXTRACTION DENTAL NEGLIGENCE ? : Maryland Med. Mal. Lawyer Update     "Here to make a difference."

Charles Jerome Ware, Attorneys & Counselors, LLC, is a premier Maryland-based national dental, medical, and hospital negligence law firm.  For an initial courtesy consultation, contact us at,  (410) 730-5016  or  (410) 720-6129.
{ The information provided herein is not intended to be legal, nor dental, nor medical advice]

[reference: MedQuest,]

A dental surgery patient underwent a wisdom tooth extraction and suffered injury to the right Inferior Alveolar Nerve, which eventually resulted in a right Sagittal Split Osteotomy of the mandible. The patient's injury is permanent.

Dental Expert Discussion:   This type of injury is a known risk of this molar extraction procedure that should be disclosed to the patient by the dentist prior to the surgery ( pursuant to the informed consent process).  despite the best surgical care this injury can occur. Also, the injury could be caused
by a deviation from the standard of care (poor or negligent care).
The protocol for managing nerve injuries is immediate referral to a nerve specialist if known nerve transection has occurred, or close observation for spontaneous return of sensation with referral at 2-3 months if no improvement.  The nerve injury itself, alone, is not necessarily indicative of a deviation from the standard of care.  The timing of referral for micro-neurosurgical evaluation is based upon multiple factors, including specifics/findings of the surgical procedure, early post-extraction presentation, early/ongoing sensory status/recovery, etc.

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