Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Charles Jerome Ware, LLC is a premier, Maryland-based, nationally recognized and respected  "BEST 10" Maryland DUI and DWI defense law firm.  For an initial courtesy consultation, contact premier defense attorney Charles Ware and his colleagues at (410) 720-6129.  We can help you.

Despite general and common public beliefs, there are several defense tips and strategies that are typically relevant in defending drunk driving cases, depending upon the facts of the case. Not all of these scenarios apply, but adjustments and refinement of these defenses can occur during proper investigation of  each case.

Having successfully represented hundreds of satisfied DUI and DWI clients during a period of over 30 years, I have learned that DUI and DWI cases do not rest on the "hard science" that law enforcement allege they do. Instead, they rest on erroneous and misguided confidence building --- virtually "snake oil salesmanship."  As a result, hundreds of innocent drivers are convicted of DUI and DWI every day in our courts; frequently by pleading guilty to these charges even when the prosecution's evidence is insufficient or highly questionable. Do your best to NOT be one of these victims.

A few DUI and DWI defense argument tips: 

(1) The police officer lacked "probable cause" for the DUI arrest.
(2) "Weaving" within your driving lane does not justify a DUI or DWI stop.
(3) "Alcohol" on your breath does not automatically mean the drive is "under the influence" of alcohol.
(4)  Suffering from GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), acid reflux or heartburn can caused a falsely high reading on the DUI Breath Alcohol Test.
(5) The police officer lacked justification to make the DUI traffic stop .
(6) The Standardized Field Sobriety Test ("STFTs") were not administered properly.
(7) The Non-Standardized Field Sobriety Tests lack.
(8) Field Sobriety Tests provide a poor measure of DUI and DWI Impairment.
(9) Mouth alcohol can contaminate the breath alcohol rest results.
(10) The Breath Alcohol Test yields unduly high results during absorption.
(11) Police officers have no unique or special ability to judge intoxication levels.
(12) No sign of mental impairment of the driver.
(13) Innocent explanations for the symptoms of intoxication.
(14) Speeding (and most other driving violations) are not automatically correlated with DUIs and DWIs.
(15) Breath Testing Machines can mistake other chemicals for alcohol.
(16) Low-carb diets can cause falsely high DUI breath test readings.;  among others.

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