Monday, June 20, 2016

BALTIMORE & MARYLAND SOURCES OF CHILD LEAD EXPOSURE: A Primer by Charles Jerome Ware, LLC   "Here to make a Difference. Baltimore-based, Nationally-respected."
For a courtesy initial consultation, contact premier defense attorney Charles Jerome Ware at (410) 730-5016 or (410) 720-6129.

Some Potential Sources of Child Lead (Pb) Exposure in Baltimore and throughout Maryland :
(1)  Lead paint-covered furniture, walls, plumbing fixtures, furniture -type toys, cribs, beds, etc.
(2) Soft lead-covered metal objects such as toys, jewelry, hobby items sports items such as fishing sinkers, soldered items, etc.
(3) Lead-covered food and drink containers, eating utensils, ceramic and glazed items, etc.
(4) Leaded cosmetics and their containers, hair products and their containers, items such as talcum powder, etc.
(5) Occupations of parents and other adults in contact with the child, including adult work clothes, etc.
(6) Lead paint-covered playground equipment, sand boxes, dirt-covered playgrounds, etc.
(7) Nearby building demolitions and wielding, etc.

Because of its long-time history of lead-use --- industrially and construction-wise, Some parts of Maryland, generally, and Baltimore, specifically, have a reputation for being "ground zero" for lead (Pb) claims and lawsuits. Be aware of this reputation.

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