Monday, September 12, 2016

BALTIMORE LEAD PAINT LAWSUIT MITIGATION 101 : By Charles Jerome Ware, Maryland and DC Lead Defense Attorney    "Here to make a Difference.  Tomorrow's Lawyers Today."
This site is for informational purposes, and not for legal advice. For questions or an initial courtesy consultation, call premier lead paint and lead poisoning defense attorney Charles Jerome Ware and his staff at (410) 720-6129 or (410) 730-5016. They can help you when you have been sued for lead paint or lead poisoning.

Baltimore has for many years been considered "ground zero" for lead paint poisoning claims and lawsuits in the United States. Two primary reasons for this have the large number of pre-1978 built houses and apartments in the city, as well as the previous heavy-industrial use of lead (Pb) in the area. Needless to say, if you are a residential rental landlord for pre-1978 built residential units in
the Baltimore metropolitan area, the likelihood is high that you either have been, or will be, sued for alleged lead paint poisoning.

A few tips for landlord lawsuit prevention follow;

1. Always research the lead paint history of the pre-1978 built  real property before you purchase it.
2. Carefully maintain the property after you have purchased it.
3. Always provide fully-compliant TITLE X(10) notice  and information to all new tenants  prior to renting the property to them.
4. Respond quickly to tenant  lead or other maintenance requests or complaints.
5. Keep good tenant and property maintenance records (tenant files).
6. Safeguard these tenant and property maintenance for at 21 years.
7. Use only Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE)-certified workers for any type of property maintenance work that involves lead abatement or removal.

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