Saturday, February 8, 2014

MARYLAND CRIMINAL & CIVIL LAW AND SCIENCE " Here to make a difference."

SCIENCE AND MARYLAND LAW:  Today, in modern Maryland, scientific evidence is increasingly used in court cases and in multiple practice areas.  Science and the law intersect in several areas today. Most people are  familiar with fingerprints and DNA evidence, but there are many other areas in which science and the law converge in the courtroom.

Some examples of scientific evidence  that may be used in criminal and civil cases in Maryland include:

1. Autopsies, in civil and criminal cases.
2. DNA testing, in civil  and criminal cases. For example: where hair, skin, semen, saliva or other evidence left by the perpetrator at the scene of the crime or event is compared with the unique genetic makeup of the alleged guilty or faulted party to determine if there is a match.
3.  Blood tests and breath test results in DUI/DWI cases.
4.  Bite-mark evidence in which bite marks are compared with the dental records of a perpetrator to determine if there is a match.
5.  Bullet analysis/ballistic fingerprinting, where each bullet is traced back to a particular gun.
6.  Fingerprint and footprint analysis, where an accused perpetrator's unique pattern of swirls and
    impressions is compared with fingerprints and footprints left at the scene of the crime.
7.  Blood-spatter analysis, where the direction of blood splatters is analyzed in order to determine what happened at an accident or crime scene.  For instance, if a gun was shot from a certain height or direction and impacts the body, the injury will create a specific blood pattern as it leaves the body.

These types of scientific evidence, et al., are widely accepted by the legal system and may be entered into evidence in almost all cases.

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