Tuesday, February 9, 2016


www.charlesjeromeware.com          "Here to make a Difference."
Charles Jerome Ware, LLC is a premier, Maryland-based, nationally-respected criminal defense and civil litigation law firm. Defense Attorney Charles Ware  has long been recognized and applauded as one of the "BEST 10" DUI and DWI defense attorneys in the State of Maryland. For an initial courtesy consultation, contact us at (410) 720-6129 or (410) 730-5016; or email us at charlesjeromeware@msn.com.  We can help you.

The number of DUI and DWI arrests against women are increasing substantially in Howard County. There are probably a number of reasons for these increases. To be sure, we have reported these facts for several years in this firm's blogs. By now, it should be common knowledge that women are simply biologically and physiologically different from men, and that our DUI enforcement is biased against women because of these physiological differences.

1. First of all, there is a fundamental flaw in thinking that women are not biased by current breathalyzer and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tests. They are. As one example, these so-called standardized tests are allegedly based upon "the average person" ( actually, "the average male"). The problem is this : There is no "average person" for calibration of theses tests. The physiology for individuals --- and particularly the physiology between men and women --- varies too much. For example, women metabolize alcohol differently from men.

2. Certainly, there are more women in the workplace who are driving, and women are driving more miles and driving at night when they are more likely to be arrested for drunk driving.

3.And, it is certainly more socially acceptable for women  to drink and drive in public than it used to be in the old days --- and in particular, younger women.

4. There are increased stressors on women for a variety of reasons such as jobs, relationship issues, depression and anxiety.

5. The female body contains a lower amount of water content than the male body.
, biologically.

6. The female body, in most instances, has relatively smaller lungs, and therefore smaller lung capacity, than the male body. This biases women to their detriment in breathalyzer tests, even when a man and a woman have consumed the same amount of alcohol.

7.  Men have the advantage over women of a higher metabolism rate, which enables men to eliminate alcohol faster from their bodies than women.

8. Particularly at certain times during the month, women have higher body temperatures than
men, which can manifest itself in higher (more incriminating) readings in their breathalyzer tests.

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