Tuesday, July 12, 2011

“TWITTER FOR BEGINNERS” --- Attorney Charles Ware

1. You can access Twitter from your computer, iPhone, Blackberry, or any mobile phone with internet access.  You can even text "tweets" from any cellphone with SMS capabilities.

2. Twitter is available: (a) Device --- Access Point (b) Web --- http://www.twitter.com.  (c) Mobile phone (with Internet access such as an iPhone or Blackberry) --- http://m.twitter.com (d) Mobile phone (texting) --- 40404

3. Twitter Guidelines: Twitter, or "Twitterverse", does not have many rules. However, there is such a thing as "Twitter Etiquette".
(a) Writing tweets of no more than 140 characters is a must.
(b) Generally, say what you think and are doing.
(c) Tweeting more than one word is usually helpful for understanding.
(d) Pay attention to what your Tweet friends are saying.
(e) Respond to other Tweets only when you believe you can add value to the conversation.
(f) Update your status at least once a day.
(g) Be truthful and honest about the information you decide to volunteer in your Tweets, including your pictures.
(h) Make sure other Twitter users you are referring or speaking about are made aware that you are speaking about them.  Make sure that whenever you are referencing another Twitter user, use his or her name with an @ sign in the front so that the user can see that you mentioned her or him and so that other users can see whom you are talking about.
(i) Use hashtags to give context to updates that may not make sense otherwise

4. Twitter "Do Nots":
(a) Avoid creating the impression on Twitter that you are a spam account.  In other words, bad Tweets and poor Twitter practices frequently show up within microblogging communications.  When you first sign up and before you start regularly Tweeting, do not follow hundreds of people.  Generally, when you follow someone on Twitter, they will check out your profile to see whether they want to follow you back.  If they see that you have tweeted once/twice and you are following hundreds of people, they may begin to think you are just a spam account.
(b) Start your tweeting slowly, following persons you know and who know you.
(c) Avoid using punctuation in your username. Typing punctuation on mobile devices is simply difficult.
(e) Do not Tweet an update when a direct message or response to someone is more appropriate.
(f) It is not necessary to publicly thank everyone of your followers on Twitter. Relax!
(g) Remember: "Twitter success" does not necessarily equate to a large following on Twitter.

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